Financial Inclusion Europe

Voice of the underrepresented groups in financial services

We are a network of experts and academics committed to solving the problems of financial exclusion. Our aim is to engage in dialogue with EU institutions to increase the awareness work and understanding of the issues among policy makers to achieve policy options focusing on equal participation of the excluded groups in the society.

What we do

Our focus

We aim to analyse the root causes, understand the different aspects of the problem, the role played by each of the stakeholders, the dynamics and interests that drive them, the strategies likely to remove the main barriers to a resolution and provide workable policy recommendations.

What sets us apart

Proximity to vulnerable groups: our preference is for direct contact with the public and front-line services in terms of understanding the problem, its causes and its possible resolution.
Multidisciplinary approach: our network is made up of sociologists, lawyers and economists, political scientists as well as experts in the field

What we offer

Expertise: our network is able to offer expertise on these different facets of financial inclusion, in various forms (advice/intervention in conferences/writing articles/blog/…)
Research: depending on the desired format, our researchers, individually or as part of a group, can develop and implement research projects (methodology/implementation/monitoring) at both national and European level. 

Contact Us

Company National Register : 0772361213

Address Rue du Mont-Blanc, 38 1060 Brussels

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